
Englishcivilwar.org is a hub for resources, comment and discussion, concentrating primarily on the conflict in England 1642-1649, though occasionally covering other items of interest from the wider Early Modern period.

Public awareness of the English Civil War and its significance is low compared to more fashionable periods (Roman, Tudors), and this is reflected in a dearth of media interest. I hope that by stimulating comment and debate amongst teachers, learners and other lovers of history the site will bring this pivotal, fascinating period to a wider audience.

The posts are there to generate discussion - please join in by leaving a comment (anonymously if you prefer)!

Any ideas for article topics, or questions etc, please get in touch at struan(at)englishcivilwar(dot)org

You can also follow me on Twitter: @struanbates


A word on the typeface

I've used English Roman Fell Type for the logo.

Dissatisfied with the types available at home, the Bishop of Oxford John Fell bought punches and matrices from Holland c.1670–1672 for the Oxford University Press to use.

To read more about the Fell types, see Igino Marini's detailed guide.

And if you don't know where the line in the header comes from ... here you go.


Where I do not hold the copyright to images I have made every effort to seek permission to use them and credit the copyright holders accordingly. If I have used an image without proper permission and you are the copyright holder, please get in touch via the email address above and I will make any necessary amendments as soon as possible.


  1. good morning i found your website of great interest when writing my history dissertation on the politic changes in britain however i see that you have failed to even mention an area that was mostly affected by the civil war and that is hull, I have lived in hull all my life and we are taught in school about charles 1st being turned away from the beverley gate and that the first act of the war was commited on the road to a village on the west of the city, anlaby, im sure many historians from this area would appreciate even a mention as it was quite an important act at the beginning of the civil war. other then that your site is facinating.

    thank you

    1. Hi bambigirl82,

      Thanks for your kind words about the site. I certainly hope to cover Hull at some stage - particularly interesting given Charles was himself involved in the siege.

      It's funny you should mention it as last night I chanced upon a site on Hull and the English Civil War produced by some students at Hull School of Art and Design. I don't know if you've seen it, but here's the link:


      Best wishes.

  2. Hiya, just to say that my next book (This Deceitful Light) is out on Sept 20th, and covers the period from the first Newbury to just before the second. If you would like an advance copy, just give me a shout, and I will happily send one. Best Jemahl.

  3. Hi Struan,

    I found a couple of good novels to add to your list of books.

    Treason's Daughter - Antonia Senior (2014) - set during the English Civil War

    'The Tyrant's Shadow' - Antonia Senior (2017) - set during the Interregnum.


    1. Thanks Carolyn - that page is of desperate need of updating, and I'll add these novels to the list at some stage.
